domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

A book.

Cien Años de Soledad by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Complexity is one of the most natural characteristics which defines it as a unique human being in a connected network of profiles. One Hundred Years of Solitude gives a global view of all the espheres as an individual and in community, through the magical believes connected with nature and what humanity feels is beyond the known. In this book, the family Buendia is like a tree which solidifies up with the number of members that are adhering to it. The branches of this tree grow while transmitting the curse that has this family which condemn and liberate them at the same time; making it one of the most important novels in Latin American history for its content and legitimation of colombian culture.

The Rain.
Taken by: Jenny Peralta
Edition: Camila M.

Yellow Butterflies.
Taken by: Jenny Peralta
Edition: Camila M.
This is a playlist of "solitude" songs that may join you in a gray afternoon.
Enjoy listening, enjoy reading!